The easiest and quickest way to get started making money is with Affiliate Marketing. You simply write and post an ad that sells someone elses product and you get paid a commission on the sales. Both of you work from home and make money blogging like shoeblogger with affiliate sales. Of course it's not quite as simple as that. You have to know how to find the right product to sell and how to effectively advertise that product so you can make money online. There's no quicker, cheaper way to get started than with affiliate sales.
Finding products to sell can be fun. Trawling round garage sales and bric a brac shops can be a good source but this means creating new listings every time you buy a new product. Which is OK for higher end goods but probably less so for cheaper items. Selling standard items such as used DVDs and video games can work - they don't need anywhere near as much description. A lot of people have had success exploiting the price difference between regular sites such as Amazon and auction sites like eBay. People get caught up in the frenzy of buying at auction and often end up paying more than they should have done.
You can search online for the most attractive book cover designs that will give it a professional touch. If your website gets enough traffic, then you can be assured that you will earn multiple streams of income in the upcoming years.
Besides that, you can easily make fast and easy money by selling all of your unused item such like old books, magazines, clothes, cellphones and etc. There are a lot of people who are looking for this kind of stuff everyday. Almost everything can be sell on the internet. One of the most popular place to sell is through Ebay.
The second step when blogging to make money is getting traffic to your blog. Without visitors your ads will be redundant. So how do you get traffic to your blog? Periodically submit your best blog posts to 'blog carnivals'. Another great way to generate traffic is to submit articles to article directories such as Ezine Articles. Your article should be a longer version of your blog post and should link to your blog. In order to obtain maximum effectiveness you should submit this article to as many article directories as possible.
You will learn everything you need to help you make money blogging. If you are a member who is not making money take a look to see which parts you left out, what did you skip over in your rush to get started. Are you blogging on a regular basis and writing in a way that will bring attention to your blog as outlined in the training and webinar replays? Can you tell me exactly who your target market is and what the most profitable keyword phrases in your niche are - if you can't you may need to review the training.
Non-blogging writing duties - Bloggers with established names get hire to write articles on companies and products outside of the blog environment. They are asked to do a review on products and get paid by doing so.
You need to be willing to do a lot of work at first like I am doing here. You wont get rich over night but you will make money. And a little bit of money is better then none right.
These are only a few of the steps to get traffic to your blog for you to make money online. Keeping up with all the steps to maximize your traffic can be a challenge for internet marketers. I have heard from so many people doing internet marketing their problem is staying focused, keeping on task, being organized and knowing what to do next to maximize their traffic.